The Marie Sandvik Center, Inc. is a Religious Society (Christian Church) in the state of Minnesota. By the grace of God, we exist to meet the spiritual and physical needs of anyone in the Twin Cities metro area. Persons who attend a chapel service are eligible to receive food, clothing, and hygiene items after the meeting.
The mission is supported solely by private donations from individuals, and other churches or entities only, not the government. This way, sharing God’s message of love and salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ can be our primary focus.
Everything that is distributed at the Marie Sandvik Center is given free of charge to anyone that comes to the mission. We welcome all to come and visit us. With deep appreciation we thank everyone who gives and shares with those who are less fortunate. Through these programs we distribute clothing, quilts, baby layettes, food, diapers and financial help to thousands of people each year. This opens up a wonderful door to share the Gospel message and God's love with each person that we help.